Mountain Metro Association of Realtors @mmarealtors raised $1,075.00 for Conifer and Evergreen Libraries at their Goldilocks Fundraiser held at the #LittleBearSaloon in Evergreen. Thank you @mmarealtors and @littlebearsaloon for your ongoing support.

Need more reasons to reserve your shopping time at Fall Whale Sale?  Here are some GOOD ones (for you AND the planet)!

Did you know that:
  • World consumption of paper has grown 400 percent in the last 40 years.
  • Paper and paper products account for 25% of all landfill waste in the US and more than a third of all Canada’s waste.
  • Paper manufacturing is the third largest user of fossil fuels worldwide.
  • Every year in the US, more than 2 billion books are published.
  • About 40 million tons of paper that could be recycled is thrown away each year in the US.

So not only do you get some great books, CDs, DVDs, and LPs at great prices, you’re also helping the planet!


The Foundation offices are closed until further notice. Please check back for updates.

The Gift Shop at Belmar Library is closed until further notice.

The Friends of JCPL online Amazon and eBay stores are closed until further notice.


Cancelled Events:

The Spring Whale of a Used Book Sale, scheduled for May 28 – 31, 2020 is cancelled.  Please join us for the Fall Whale of a Used Book Sale, scheduled for October 16-18, 2020 at the Jeffco Fairgrounds.