sea of booksJCLF is pleased to welcome Don DuBe to its staff. Don will be our new Warehouse Coordinator, a position that oversees our book inventory, ensuring that each book finds its proper place—whether it will be at the Whale Sale, the Friends Gift Shop at Belmar, the Holiday Sale or the Internet. With more than 40 years of experience working with book distributers, wholesalers and retailers, we’re sure Don is up for the task.

Anyone who has volunteered at the Foundation warehouse can tell you—at times, it feels like you’re drowning in a sea of books, a sea that we have to organize box and transfer to the Fairgrounds for our signature Whale Sale. We’re thrilled that Don will be working closely with our volunteers at the warehouse, functioning as the lynchpin of communication and, hopefully, taming our wild sea of books.

As you may have guessed, Don is a book person. “I usually read three books at a time,” Don said. “I keep one in my truck, one at my bedside and one in the library—and they’re all different genres, so I get some variety.” Though he may read books across the spectrum, he’s a Sci-Fi fan at heart.

Don is married with three children and three grandchildren.


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